Review: The Great North “Welcome To Miami Adventure; Worst Drives Club Adventure”


Coming off the heels of her break-up, Judy is taken on a wild adventure with Honeybee and Aunt Dirt; Judy tries to learn to drive.

Our Take

Get ready for the start of two weeks of one-hour blocks of The Great North to help close out the show’s fourth season before it returns next year. This week we get two Judy-filled efforts, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.

Of the two episodes, I found myself laughing out loud hysterically with “Welcome to Miami Adventure” in what may be my new favorite episode of the series of all-time. The Gabe Delahaye-written effort had me bawling my eyes out because of the Merman voiced by the incredible Jon Daly. The producers over at Bento Box just had fun with this guy wiggling his tailed ass all over the screen for what seemed to be the entire run of the episode and I couldn’t get enough of it. Moreover, the whole debate with which is the better movie, White House Down versus Olympus Has Fallen will absolutely be appreciated by anyone who has also regaled in meaningless debates about films and could also work in tandem as a satirical effort against every movie thread in social media lore. Will Forte (Wolf Tobin) was especially great here because he’s known in show biz in having the best whiney voice in the history of animated comedy so whenever he just goes off I can’t help but feel like a pig rolling around in his own fecal matter.

The second episode, “Worst Drives Club Adventure” probably doesn’t have the laughs that the first episode had, but this episode works in another capacity that might be just as important to the future of the series…world-building. Not to spoil anything, but the climax of the episode helps open up the show for multiple possibilities in the future with Judy at the center making this Carrie Clifford-written effort one that probably has more of a serviceable effort than that of downright enjoyment. Still though, the nude puzzle bit was entertaining and helped balance the assertiveness of the main plot.

The Great North is nearing the end of the season, and if these two episodes are any indication of what’s to come, I’m excited for what’s coming up the frosty mountains.