English Dub Review:The Dangers in My Heart: “Karte 25: I, We, Fell in Love”


Anna and Kyotaru’s bond is teetering between friendship and romance. Perhaps this time the scales will tip and Kyotaru can finally tell Anna the words she wishes to hear…

Our Take

Everything since the first episode has built up to this moment. On the final day of the school trip, Anna faces a dilemma: attending an important audition or spending time with Kyotaro. She considers giving up the opportunity for his sake, but upon learning this, Kyotaro encourages her to go. However, before all this unfolds, Kyotaro finds himself in a hilariously awkward situation in Anna’s room, desperately trying to avoid a potential disaster. Fortunately, a funny twist helps him escape unnoticed, adding a lighthearted touch to the episode.

The story takes a significant turn as Kyotaro and Anna share a deeply emotional moment. Their bond, which has grown over time, is beautifully highlighted as they finally express their feelings for each other. The mix of humor, awkwardness, and heartfelt sincerity perfectly captures the dynamic between the two characters. This moment reflects how far they’ve come together, learning to understand each other’s emotions and supporting one another in their respective journeys.

Overall, the episode delivers a satisfying conclusion to the season, blending emotion, humor, and character growth seamlessly. Kyotaro and Anna’s connection has been carefully nurtured, making this pivotal moment feel truly earned. With exceptional animation, moving music, and a storyline that hits all the right emotional notes.