English Dub Review: True Beauty “This Too Shall Pass Away”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
With Suho slowly recovering from his accident, Jugyeong finds out what happened between him and Seojun.  But she also has to keep up with her dance mission, which turns out to be harder than anticipated.  Luckily, someone steps in to help her out.

Our Take:
Jugyeong finally found the courage to stand up to the ungrateful bitch Sujin.  However, she still has to deal with nailing her dance routine for the school beauty competition.  It only took her five episodes to reach that realization, which is honestly better than saving it until the end, narrative-wise.  Sure, the series still has its tropes that periodically stumble in its execution, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t satisfied with Jugyeong’s newfound confidence.
While the episode continues its primary focus on Jugyeong’s dance routine, it also focuses on her finding the truth behind Suho and Seojun’s broken friendship.  We’ve pretty much put it all together through Seojun’s flashback in the previous episode, as their friend’s suicide caused this tragic breakup.  But that doesn’t mean Jugyeong has no right to know, either.  She overheard Seojun and Suho discuss what really happened between them and the reason Seojun treated Suho like a sociopath.  It’s revealed that Suho didn’t answer Seyeon’s call because he encountered his father with another woman, resulting in him leaving Seojun for Japan.  Suho also mentioned that he hadn’t been able to cry over Seyeon’s passing, but Jugyeong, being a good friend she is, helps him through acting.
Through its additional flashbacks, we gain a better understanding of Suho and Seojun’s feud.  While Seojun has the right to be upset with Suho for abandoning him, I still feel he’s letting his emotions get the better of him.  The flashbacks also made for some mildly emotional moments, mainly for Suho and Jugyeong, even if they didn’t stick the landing in terms of making me shed a tear.  What’s also good is that Jugyeong was able to upload her dance video in time for the competition, so now we wait and see if it can keep her in the race.