English Dub Review: True Beauty “The Jerk and the Troublemaker”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
A school assignment forces Jugyeong to reach out to Seojun Han, a renowned troublemaker who turns out to be everything but cooperative.  Besides that, Jugyeong faces another challenge: transforming the school choir’s lead singer with the power of makeup!

Our Take:
As if one boy at school is bad enough for Jugyeong, we now have the “bad boy” of the group who could turn the tide of Jugyeong’s quest for a peaceful school life.  This supposed “bad boy” I’m referring to is Han Seojun, who happens to have a personal beef with Suho in the previous episode.  Whatever the reason for these two hot-looking men to butt heads, it sure isn’t helping Jugyeong with her predicament.  What’s even worse is that Jugyeong is chosen to do a school project with Seojun, who rudely refuses.  You know, because he’s a “troublemaker,” and troublemakers are even bigger assholes than the school’s jocks.
However, the school project wasn’t the main focus of the episode, which doesn’t surprise me, considering the show’s knack for including random plot points.  Instead, it involves Jugyeong helping a student, Go-woon Han, who shares a problem similar to her.  Go-woon was chosen to sing as a lead in the school choir, but like Jugyeong, she fell victim to the terror that is lookism, so Jugyeong used the power of makeup to make her stunning in time for the performance.  However, Jugyeong discovers that Go-woon is actually Seojun’s younger sister following the performance, but thankfully, he and Jugyeong appear to be on good terms after hearing what Jugyeong did for Go-woon.
With “The Jerk and the Troublemaker”, the show started to look like it might be finding its footing in the story department.  The formulaic elements are still present, but the episode shows signs of some character development for its protagonists.  Suho is slowly accepting the real Jugyeong, and Seojun is gradually warming up to her after she helps his sister.  Plus, Jugyeong has become friends with her competitor, Soo-jin, but the first mission in the Saebom Goddess competition could soon change that.