English Dub Review: Tower of God “Her Name Is Emily”



Khun’s team, Wangnan, and Viole continue to climb the tower, facing the necessary trials along the way. In the process, they discover a new tool: the increasingly popular chat AI Emile.

Our Take:

I forgot about the arc of Tower of God that deals with a chat AI. At the time I read it, I remember thinking “There is no way that ever happens, AI will never be that smart” Yet here we are and now people use it for so many things it’s scary. I’m not going to go on a tangent about the dangers of AI, I’ll leave that to the Terminator franchise. But it did make me think that it’s crazy how fast things can change in the world.

I will say that I hope our version of AI is not like Emile because that would be very bad. We are led to believe that Emile is a program run by a person who is plugged into it 24/7. Don’t get me wrong that’s still impressive because how would a person know the things that she does? I think that’s where this arc is going to get interesting because Emile doesn’t seem to be happy just being an AI.