Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: No Longer Allowed in Another World “Turn Me Into a Lump of Ash”

By David Kaldor

September 25, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)The gang visit Nir’s hometown, which is under siege by Other Worlder scorpion bikers and a savage wolf.OUR TAKEOh hey, I honestly didn’t think we would be getting an episode focusing on Nir, the little scammer boy who often contributes very little to battle, but I suppose it makes sense if he’s one of the main characters. Also nice of them to just focus on making it a single episode as opposed to Tama, who got two, but that was also paired with one of the supposedly big fights of the series. Here, it’s kind of a repeat of what happened with Suzuki, though he’s split into two characters, with one troublesome Otherworlder (apparently that’s two words instead of one) who acts as the general antagonist for the episode, while the more redemptive qualities are given to Saitou, a kind but distant fellow who’s been donating food to Nir’s orphanage (oh yeah, Nir’s an orphan, I feel like that’s been mentioned before but if not there ya go). Saitou seems rather odd, especially with how he seems to be content only watching children eat through a window, but the reason for that is soon revealed. Apparently the mysterious wolf going around attacking people is actually him, a form he takes when his OtherWorlder powers run wild.It turns out that, in his former life, he was wheelchair bound and felt defenseless and alone, and even when he made a friend with some middle schooler, he couldn’t defend that friend from bullies and wheeled himself away. He was then hit by a truck (the usual culprit in bringing someone to an Isekai world) and found himself in this new world, apparently with the ability to walk and also to become a wolf man. Sounds like a good enough trade off, though it seems he can’t really control the form for a while once he starts using it, hence why he decides to keep his distance from people. But he’s also still a good natured guy and goes out to get food, even if he can’t fully be with the people he wants to take care of. And by the end of the episode, while he is able to thank everyone who stuck by him and be thanked in return, he is also able to get back to his original world thanks to Sensei’s “No Longer Welcome in Another World” technique, so he gets a happy ending like Suzuki did. Overall, solid episode, though hopefully the remaining three episodes of the season will be a bit more substantial.