English Dub Review: No Longer Allowed in Another World “Someone Who Wants to Be Eaten Has Come to the Castle”


Tama is revealed as Matilda, the princess of her nation of cat people, and the group is arrested on suspicion of kidnapping her. However, one of the Fallen Angels attacks, forcing Sensei to try something desperate.


Huh, yeah I’d say now’s as good enough time as any to get into Tama/Matilda’s backstory. I wasn’t exactly super excited or curious about it since I honestly consider her the least interesting of the group, including the kid, but I don’t exactly hate her or anything. Compared to other Isekai girl duos, it’s not like she even acts as much of a foil to Annette other than design wise and even then only kind of. So getting this reveal that she’s royalty doesn’t do much to change my perception of her or feel like I got to know her more because…well, she wasn’t really moving the needle to begin with. Still, that’s not to say I dislike learning about her backstory and how she lost her brother and such, and it certainly adds tension when she’s fighting with her father and then having to fight WITH her father against one of the seven Fallen Angels, but I doubt we’ll see much more blood or loss than the king losing his arm here. Basically my assessment of this is that it’s a functional plot, just not anything that’s surprising me or impressing me, which is kind of a shame when we’re halfway through the show now and the only really interesting character is the main one.

As for the Fallen Angels, I honestly didn’t expect them to start showing up this soon, but I guess it’s good we’re getting a move on here. With seven antagonists to deal with and only six episodes left, at least in this season, that’s not something that I would hedge bets on them resolving, but having one show up and likely getting un-isekai’d shortly thereafter would be a fine way to show some progression in the scale of threats. First it was just general monster attacks and local stuff like with the king and his daughter, then we meet a rogue otherworlder to establish Sensei’s ability to send them back, and now they get to fight a series of those kinds of opponents and send THEM all back. A shame then that this first guy, Kaibara, doesn’t seem to be much more of a threat than Suzuki, but hopefully this is just a case of the first one showing up being the weakest. They also seem to be following the theme of the seven deadly sins, with Kaibara being Gluttony because giant mouth stuff, but let’s just hope the interpretations of the other sins are a bit more inspired.