English Dub Review: My Hero Academia “Together with Shoji”



Spinner takes heteromorphs exploding with resentment from being persecuted to Central Hospital to get Kurogiri back. Shoji, whose Quirk also makes him a heteromorph, shouts his feelings to them.

Our Take:

This will be an interesting review because it annoys me when everyone is fighting but for some reason, they stop to hear someone give a speech. I don’t care if it’s the hero or the villain doing the speech, it just pulls me out of the scene. On the other hand, Shoji is a character that hasn’t gotten much development so seeing him lay it all out on the table was nice to see. Not only that but Ian Sinclair is one of my favorite VAs and in this episode, he got more work than the whole series so far I would imagine.

I’ll also give it a bit of a pass because I think the message that Shoji is trying to convey is a good one. He is a heteromorph just like Spinner and all the other people he’s riled up into this mob, so he does know where they’re coming from. But we can’t control what happens to us, we can however control how we react to it. When they showed Shoji’s backstory at the beginning of the episode they grayed him out so we couldn’t tell who it was. I thought that was an awesome misdirection because it got me thinking “Oh yeah, I can see why he’d be so angry” but then we learn it was Shoji. He showed us what it truly means to be a hero so I’ll let the monologuing pass this time.