English Dub Review: Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines “If You Are In Trouble, Feel Free to Consult; Teacher Thought It Was a Stain in the Ceiling or Something… Please Continue”


Shintaro and Koto are leaving the Literature Club soon to get ready for college entrance exams, which leaves Chika and Kazuhiko worried about how to run the club in their absence, especially with a big festival coming up.


Last week gave us a deadly unannounced absence from the losing heroines, but this week makes up for that with a double whammy episode release. And since we’ve had follow up episodes for both Anna and Lemon, it makes sense that things would shift back to Chika. After all, she’s the one of the group of “losing heroines” that has to deal with her crush and his girlfriend the most, so it makes sense that her feelings would be the most mixed about what’s been happening. And that’s doubly so when it’s time for those two, Shintaro and Koto, to finally start moving on from the school, the club, and her. It can be tough when you think you’ve sorted everything out and are ready to move forward…only for things to change again, seemingly out of nowhere. But as we’ve seen with the other two girls, feelings are complicated things, not just when they’re about unrequited love. However, we also see a reminder that, even with whatever subtle not-drama that’s going on, Chika has managed to land a lot of new friends who all care about her and the club, so she’s not alone in carrying this new challenge by a long shot.

That said, we are still seeing some further hintings about possible future feelings for Kazuhiko…or maybe that’s just because everyone’s been assuming that the main girls are into him because he’s a guy and they’re single? Like we get more hints with him and Anna, we got a few last time with him and Lemon, and of course he’s also concerned about Chika so that’s gonna come up here too. Perhaps that’s all to lead up to this big twist that none of them are into each other and it’s all just the expected scenario by their peers? Haha, of course not, this is a high school anime. Though what the heck was going on with that post-credit scene where Kazuhiko met with the Student Council with that one girl Hibari saying she would be keeping an eye on things? Is that supposed to be significant in some way? Also, why am I calling these characters by their first names when the anime is using their last names? Is it because it’s what’s on the Wikipedia episode descriptions? Food for thought as we enter our final three episodes. Or maybe I’ll just keep that up for the rest of them for consistency’s sake.