English Dub Review: I Parry Everything “I Parry Taking on a Page”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
Noor may be exhausted, but he never gives up.  When Gilbert invites him for a mock battle, Noor simply can’t resist the practice for a budding adventurer like himself.

Our Take:
If his visit with the King wasn’t enough to convince you of Noor’s gullibility, then this episode should do enough to help you understand who we’re rooting for.  Noor has been challenged to a mock duel by the Spearman Corps’ captain, Gilbert, who’s looking to test his “immaculate” skills.  However, while Gilbert sees how formidable Noor can be with his parrying techniques, the dull-headed adventurer is still unaware of his potential, declaring himself a loser without even attacking Gilbert.  Of course, this resulted in him becoming Gilbert’s rival due to the latter’s desire to find a worthy opponent.
Via a flashback, Gilbert’s skills are powerful enough to defeat everyone in a single blow.  However, they also caused Gilbert to have immense burnout because he was tired of winning every time.  Gilbert is another character whose OP skills function as its weakness, not just strength.  While it was cool to see an OP character kick ass without breaking a sweat, it’s also crucial to have some vulnerability and drawbacks to those strengths.  It invigorates excitement and interest in a show’s concept but also prevents an OP character from being unfair and one-dimensional.  From this episode alone, I see Gilbert as another example of this fact, and I believe we’ll see more of him in later episodes.
However, having a rival is the least of Noor’s concerns, as he also gains a Page in the form of Lynne.  Lynne hopes to be strong enough to lead her father’s kingdom as queen, and seeing Noor’s refined low-level skills gives her the opportunity to learn from him.  We also learn that Noor is a “Talentless” adventurer who completed every course with only Level 1 skills.  Whether Noor likes it or not, he now has an apprentice to train and look after, sparking an unlikely friendship that’ll likely lead to more misunderstandings from the low-level adventurer himself.