English Dub Review: Delico’s Nursery “The Approaching Shadow”



Pendulum, a criminal organization that worships the progenitor vampire known as TRUMP, now seems to be involved in the case—and Dali just so happens to have some unfinished business with them.

Our Take:

I was glad we finally got answers about Dali’s wife in this episode. You might remember I was wondering how he could stay friends with someone after they killed his wife. There is a criminal organization called Pendulum and they have someone in their ranks that when they bite someone they will do anything they say. Dali’s home was attacked and this person managed to bite Frieda and told her to kill everyone she loved. Dali didn’t know this and when he found Frieda she was about to kill him but Gerhard stepped in and killed her. Don’t get me wrong, I think there might have been another option but I can at least understand now. I still don’t know how Dali can be so chill about but maybe that will come into play later as well.

There are still some questions I would like answered particularly when it comes to the lore of vampires. As it stands right now it almost seems like everyone is a vampire. But it’s not clear because they don’t exhibit the same traits that were used to in vampires. They go out in the sunlight is the main one but they don’t seem to have big fangs either. Hopefully, we learn a little more about that as well in the coming episodes.