English Dub Review: Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction 15


With the mothership on the verge of collapse, the government moves to begin evacuation of the city, and Keita uses Ouran’s memories to try and save them all. 15 minutes remain until the end of Humanity.


Things continue to build up towards the climax, which I guess will be next episode if we’re going in real time. These episodes are like twenty minutes without the credits so unless we’re doing Planet Namek Minutes, those fifteen minutes will probably be up by the next episode. Which then leaves two more episodes to…possibly undo it or save something? Saying the end of humanity is coming sounds pretty bold and all, and we’ve seen how humans can be utter monsters over the course of this series, but it would probably be a tad overly grim for everyone to just die. Especially as has been re-confirmed, the Invaders are just humans who left the Earth at one point and came back, and they know time travel tech, or at least alternate universe hopping, so…something’s gonna happen to even stuff out, I think. Which is good, since this episode really highlights the worst we’ve seen in people in this series. There was so much that happened with minor characters like those in the government and the ship project, but all of it feels basically like background stuff we’re seeing built up just to show how it all gets wiped away.

The real focus is still Kadode and Ouran…except now there’s been some noticeable shift in spotlight to Keita, who looks at Ouran’s memories again to find out that the Isobeyan that she and her original Kadode met explained to them the whole scenario of his mothership arriving on Earth AND that it would fall apart after four years if not maintained properly, so he tells them the phrase he WOULD use if he WAS in charge of it…which there is no reason to assume he would be in THIS universe just because it’s different. So Keita is sure making a hell of a gamble on very little information! But the thing that concerns me the most is, as I mentioned before, Ouran is kinda getting unknowingly left out of all of this despite the fact that, if Keita’s assumptions are correct, it’s HER decision to jump timelines that’s going to save them all, so why is she not a part of this operation? And what the hell is Kadode doing? I’m still compelled by everything going on with the regular characters and I’m plenty interested in seeing how things wrap up in three weeks, but this focus shift is pretty odd. But I guess we’ll see how it all ends for humanity next time.