English Dub Review: Chained Soldier “Promise, Nei, Remember”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
Tenka wants Yuuki as her new pet, but Kyouka declines her request.  Nei explains her clairvoyant powers, the “promise.”

Our Take:
So, as it turns out, Tenka wants Yuuki for herself.  I don’t blame her, as Yuuki makes for a fantastic housekeeper and slave so far.  However, based on Tenka’s expressions in the previous episode, it looks like she wants him as more than just a housekeeper.  Tenka wants Yuuki as her personal pet, revealing that she has a massive crush on him.  Of course, Kyouka declines the offer despite being rewarded with a promotion if she does.  However, that doesn’t stop her from getting all handsy with Yuuki, as she snuck into the 7th Squadron’s home to take advantage of him.  I thought only Shushu had the worst case of love fever, but Tenka may have managed to take the crown.  Thankfully, the outcome of this incident continues to be more awkwardly humorous than uncomfortable.
The episode also explores Nei’s purpose during her trip back to school.  Her clairvoyance ability allows her to detect anything around a five-kilometer radius, but it also gives Yuuki a new Shuuki form that sharpens his senses.  Unfortunately, it’s not without the disadvantage of slower movement and x-ray vision, allowing Yuuki to see behind the Squadron’s clothing.  Thank goodness Nei didn’t become a victim of this sexualized incident; otherwise, this would’ve been a massive turn-off for me.  More importantly, it showcases the reason behind Nei joining the Demon Defense Force: to find her parents who are lost in the Mato, hence naming her ability “Promise”, crossing paths with Yuuki’s similar intention.
The episode continues the show’s tradition of exploring more of the 7th Squadron members amid its sex comedy and fantasy action, with Nei receiving this overdue treatment.  The best thing about this show is that because she’s the youngest member of the team, it refuses to sexualize Nei like it did to the other members.  It can get away with plenty of intimacy caused by Kyouka and others, but it’s also smart enough to know that doing the same thing with Nei is crossing the line.  A kiss on Yuuki’s cheek is good enough, but everything else is a big no-no.  So, this episode gets bonus points for following this guideline.