English Dub Review: Bye Bye, Earth “Examiner of Curses, Blessings, and Their Shapes”



Belle has a fateful encounter in the city. Meanwhile, Adonis performs his duty as an examiner as he tried to understand what happened to Tiziano.

Our Take:

I know I was rooting for some romance but I did not expect it to happen like that. Adonis very bluntly asked Belle if she would have his kids one day. He seems to like that Belle isn’t like everyone else and is covered in fur and claws. He hopes they would take after her if they were to have children. What was refreshing about this exchange was that it wasn’t handled in a typical anime way. Belle got flustered but who wouldn’t in that situation? They both still dealt with the situation like mature adults, Belle said she would like to be in love with the person she did that with so we will see what happens there.

While that was exciting it also came out of nowhere. Adonis and Belle have spent some time together sure but not enough that warrant him wanting to have kids with her. Unless it is just that he likes that she is less animalistic than others. I find myself still confused but I’m more interested now than I was.