English Dub Review: Bye Bye, Earth “A Ball Shaking Before the Fiend Flower”



To express her gratitude, Sherry invites Belle and company to a ball at the palace where things take an unexpected and sinister turn.

Our Take:

I went to Reddit to see if perhaps I’m just dumb and maybe there is something to this anime I missed. It turns out that almost everyone else is also confused as to what is going on in this show. This episode is another prime example because a fight began and I even rewound the episode to see if I missed something. A centaur character from an earlier episode showed up looking like the villainous mermaid an episode or two ago and I was lost. I didn’t miss anything and I thought it was because they were trying to get through the source material.

News came out today stating that there will be a second season of Bye Bye, Earth so rushing through the source material isn’t the reason for the confusion. This anime feels like the epitome of missed potential so far. I like the ideas it introduces but after their introduction, they’re never touched on again and it leads to a lot of confusion. Not only that but why does a show like this get a second season when there are far more deserving shows out there?  At least with this getting a second season that means it will probably get an ending.