English Dub Review: Berserk of Gluttony “The Twilight Swordsman”



An unexpected pause in the journey leads to Fate having a chance encounter with Aaron Barbatos, a powerful and experienced warrior. As he trains Fate, Gluttony’s hunger leads him to hunt in the castle nearby where shadows of Aaron’s past still lurk.

Our Take:

Sometimes I wish I lived in a fantasy world but then I see an episode like this and nothing changes my tune faster. Losing your wife and child is bad enough but to have to face them in battle because a lich is using their corpses would be too much. I would not last long in a world like that, I would like to think I would but if I’m being honest I’d be one of the annoying NPCs.

This episode also gave us some interesting weight to Fate using Greed. Anything he kills with Greed has their soul go to this unrelenting hell for eternity. All of the people in Aaron’s castle were once people who lived there and were important to him, including his wife and son. This left Fate in a bind because he essentially couldn’t fight. Luckily, Greed put his jealousy aside and let Fate fight with a different sword for a while so that he wouldn’t damn anyone’s soul. The only thing I don’t like about this arc is it was essentially a whole book and it feels like we’re flying through it.