English Dub Review: Berserk of Gluttony “The Girl of Wrath”



Fate manages to recover and bring the might of Greed’s new form to bear against the gargoyles. Leaving the destruction behind him, Fate encounters an entirely different problem after being reunited with Myne, the mysterious Galian from before.

Our Take:

This was the point in the light novel when I felt it started to take off. It started to introduce some really interesting ideas. Fate has the gluttony skill and his sword is greed, well that girl from Galia, Myne has the skill of wrath, and her weapon is called sloth. If you’re not familiar with what those are, they are part of the seven deadly sins. Not the anime, but from certain religious faiths, and greed spelled out that the others are indeed out there. The only issue is that with there being seven of them that means that someone isn’t going to have a sinful partner.

It has been great to see Fate grow as a character, it’s not the first anime to show a character go from weak to strong and it won’t be the last. But some shows make the change happen way too fast in my opinion. Here though, we see Fate go from a weak and scared kid to an almost emotionless monster. If it wasn’t for Roxy I feel like Fate might have a hard time staying grounded and not giving in to his desires. Fate and Myne’s relationship will be fun for a few episodes so I’m looking forward to that.