English Dub Review: A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring “Vector Does a Good Job!”



Takumi has found the trading company that owns the sunken ship. When he returns it, he is introduced to a variety of interesting spices. An idea for a new dish immediately comes to mind!

Our Take:

Remember when I said that this show was essentially an isekai cooking show? Well, I’m here to tell you that hasn’t changed this week either. What was wild to me was when Takumi found a lot of the ingredients to make curry but he didn’t have pork, this man said “I don’t have pork, so I’ll use orc” Excuse me?! It was funny that it rhymed but man I don’t know if I can get down with orc curry. I’m probably focusing too hard on this part of the episode since I’m pretty sure orcs are monsters in this world. I’m more used to things like Dungeons and Dragons where orcs are humanoid and walk among all the other races. Some are villainous sure but you wouldn’t catch anyone putting them in their curry.

One thing I love about isekai is the way all the characters around the main character react to the things they can do. Takumi was walking around with this company’s lost ship in his inventory, which is a giant bag of holding I tell you what. I understand not wanting to take advantage of someone but I don’t think there is anything wrong with getting paid for helping someone out. You better believe if I had someone’s long lost ship full of valuable cargo I would take a little something ya know?