Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Tower of God “Zygaena’s Flower”

By Ben Schmidt

August 26, 2024



The team with Viole and Wangnan faces the next test on their journey to the top of the tower. But before that, they are evaluated by Viole’s friends from FUG.

Our Take:

I haven’t talked a lot about any anime openings for a while, but I have to tell you that this one is a banger. “RISE UP” by NiziU is the opening song and it’s fantastic. I’m not always a fan of the English version of songs but this one made its way to my playlist right away.

As I’ve said before, it’s been a while since I read the webtoon so I couldn’t remember what it was that got Bam to join FUG. Well… turns out he’s a great guy and was blackmailed that all of his friends would be killed if he didn’t become a FUG slayer candidate. That alone would be tough to deal with but for every game he loses they will kill one of his friends. This creates quite a problem when they run into an unbeatable foe in their newest game. Everyone else wants to retreat to fight another day, and with good reason, but Bam can’t do that because it means a dead friend. I think this is going to lead to an awesome fight next week.