Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Tower of God “Ramen and the Great Big Sky”

By Ben Schmidt

August 12, 2024



In the test on the 20th floor, the examinees are supposed to form teams and capture rooms. However, trust is a rare resource in a world that rewards betrayal.

Our Take:

My memory of what happens at this point of the story is missing some pieces. I don’t remember Tower of God having a brutal death like that but it was also a long time ago when I was reading this story. It did get me a lot more interested and now I know there are actual stakes to what’s happening. The fact that Ja forgave the person who had been ruining his life was something I didn’t expect. I think that led to Viole having the development they did because he couldn’t wrap his mind around forgiving someone who had treated them so poorly.

What was hilarious to me was that Yeon managed to get possessed by something and Viole saying “I’m still not interested in your body” was enough to snap her out of it long enough for Viole to get the thing or person out of her. Even the guy running the test had to learn a lesson from Ja about forgiveness because a lot of this bad stuff happened because he had a bone to pick with Viole.