English Dub Review: The Unwanted Undead Adventurer “The Undead Infiltrates the Town”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
Seeking answers about his new life, Rentt turns to an old adventuring partner for guidance.

Our Take:
Rentt may have escaped the labyrinth, but he’s not out of the woods yet.  While he’s safely disguised as a mysterious adventurer thanks to a cursed mask, Rentt still has multiple questions to answer about his transformation.  The previous episode showcased Rentt visiting an old friend of his to solve this predicament.  His friend is his old adventuring partner, Lorraine Vivie, a high-level magician and Silver-class adventurer who’s secretly in love with Rentt.  This was due to her being impressed by Rentt’s impeccable adventuring skills and knowledge despite being an Iron-ranked novice.  Of course, due to her secret crush, there’s bound to be jealousy lurking inside Lorraine once Rentt starts to be around girls.  It’s probably good that Rina didn’t tag along in the last episode.
The episode also showcased that Lorraine isn’t the only person who immediately recognized Rentt through his new appearance.  A blacksmith named Clope notices Rentt’s identity while crafting a mighty sword for him but respects his privacy until an emergency occurs.  Afterward, Rentt continues his quest for evolution by returning to the Moon’s Reflection labyrinth.  There, he assists a chef named Lorris, who’s forced to become an adventurer to repay his debts.  But, of course, it’s far from an easy task, as they wind up in a secret boss room, where a giant skeleton awaits.
“The Undead Infiltrates the Town” provided a suitable insight into Rentt’s relationship with Lorraine via flashback.  More importantly, it showcased that Rentt still has allies who accept him for who he is despite his ghoul-like appearance.  But, even with that, the show still struggles with its concept to improve my interest regarding its run-of-the-mill plot.  Maybe with the appearance of the giant skeleton, things will probably turn around for the better.