English Dub Review: The Unwanted Undead Adventurer “Existential Evolution”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
As Rentt prepares to explore a previously uncharted region of the labyrinth, he discovers more about what triggers his ability to evolve.

Our Take:
It was supposed to be another easy-going grinding session for Rentt.  Unfortunately, he got more than he bargained for after teaming up with a chef/adventurer named Lorris.  Lorris’s carelessness resulted in them being trapped in a secret boss room, where Rentt is forced to fight a giant skeleton impervious to spirit energy and magic.  Thankfully, Rentt was able to defeat the boss with his divinity magic, gaining the trust of his new ally.  Additionally, Rentt is allowed to eat at Lorris’ restaurant whenever he wants for free.  Talk about a double win for the undead adventurer.
However, that’s not the only thing that happens in this episode, as Rentt achieves Existential Evolution once again, promoting himself as a ghast.  Unfortunately, it came with the cost of letting his cannibalistic urges get the better of him and bite Lorraine in the shoulder, activating his Existential Evolution.  But it isn’t without some merits that would put Rentt at a higher advantage.  As a ghast, his divinity magic has grown stronger. Plus, he can speak more clearly and control his mask with his thoughts, revealing his mouth or eyes whenever he pleases.  Sadly, the only downside to this is that he still can’t remove the mask, but none of that matters when an unexplored area Rentt spotted is begging to be explored.
“Existential Evolution” is an exposition-driven episode involving Lorraine hypothesizing how this unusual evolution is triggered.  She believed that Rentt had transitioned into a ghast because he ate human flesh, meaning he might evolve based on the proper condition or environment.  It does slow down the pacing a bit, but its exploration of Rentt’s current condition has enough moments to elevate my interest in the series, including Lorraine’s eagerness to study Rentt’s body. Rentt’s uncontrollable urge to eat flesh might also be a concern, which could create an enticing internal conflict between him and his new form throughout the season.