English Dub Review: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime “Digression: Luminous Memories”


Luminous recalls her history with Hinata.


Longtime readers of this blog will know that I have a great distaste for recap episodes. In fact, I could probably fill a recap episode full of all of the reviews I was obligated to make about recap episodes. Although to be more accurate, it’s not so much that I dislike recap episodes in and of themselves, since I understand they sometimes have a practical purpose for the sake of giving their respective productions more time to polish a future episode or to manage suddenly cut costs. No, what my disdain for episodes that are solely recap comes down to is that I must somehow come up with four hundred words that give a deep dive account of why this recap episode in particular needs to exist, which is honestly just annoying and mentally taxing for me. But here we are again, with me trying to come up with any previously unused or underutilized wording about this specific subject irks me so, and you, dear reader, spending precious minutes of your ever dwindling lifespan reading it, possibly while on the bus or whilst dropping a deuce in the local Taco Bell bathroom. Hopefully I blew the mind of whoever was actually reading this at a Taco Bell.

Anyway, if you’ve been following my previous reviews in this series, you’ll know that I just haven’t really been feeling great about this ongoing season of That Time I Reincarnated as a Slime, especially regarding this current arc. Which is why this recap mainly focusing on the last arc this season, that focused on a built up battle between Rimiru and Hinata, actually almost feels a bit nostalgic by contrast. I had my issues with that arc too, the main one being pacing which it shares with this one and pretty much every arc that came before it, but it still felt like things were building up to lead to something. To be fair, this festival is also building up to a planned event, the festival itself and its many events, but as I’ve probably said multiple times, I just don’t feel any tension or stakes in the lead up to whatever is happening here, which inhibits a lot of my ability to enjoy what’s happening. Even less so when there’s a recap episode that is not about anything going on in the current arc. But I guess it’s fine, if only to make it easy to pump out this review and dampen the blow I had this week when some asshole stole my netflix account and forced me to delete it and make a new one. Meh. Main story continues next week!