Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime “Audience”

By David Kaldor

August 03, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)With the dungeon complete, Rimiru deals with some official business between an ox and horse race, but is interrupted by the arrival of another Demon Lord’s sons.OUR TAKEAfter a whole episode of covering some of the more boring aspects of dungeon creation, we get a glimpse of some of the more interesting parts, such as collecting dragons for boss fights and the mere aura of those dragons autogenerating lesser enemies…only for that to be quickly glossed over as we move onto the next part of the story. Oh yeah, and Ramirus gets some more Dryads to look after her. I haven’t brought her up at all because her entire development is just having some more things, including people, handed to her and not much else, so I don’t expect much more out of that and hope to never mention her again. Heck, now it seems like we’re straying away from the festival entirely and just having episodes about random stuff with the introduction of a couple more races who have a blood feud that Rimiru has to resolve, followed by the arrival of Dagruel’s three shit head sons who can all be summed up thusly: Mean, mean, and mean but fat. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m not really having a good time with this arc, and frankly this series overall, with how it spends its time on erroneous and superfluous crap.Speaking of, it seems we finally have some new developments for Shion, so that gives me a chance to go off on a rant about her too. Her ENTIRE character from the moment she got named has just having boobs and being subservient to Rimiru, but unlike most other characters who have gained other meaningful traits over the course of the series, she hasn’t done that despite having literally died off screen and had the focus of an arc being about how Rimiru became a Demon Lord to bring her back. And then she is resurrected off screen too and acts like nothing has happened at all, proceeding to stay the exact same she has always been except oh she gets a new power up. Well, now that she has to be a mentor to these three new randos who I have zero reason to learn the names of, maybe, JUST MAYBE, we can wring out some blood from this stone and get her to grow up a bit. But who am I kidding, this is not the show you watch to see characters grow up, you watch to see them get another edgy transformation or attack name. Blah.