English Dub Review: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime “A Throng of Visitors”


Rimiru meets with Yuuki and Shizu’s old class and invites them to the festival in Tempest. When he returns, Masayuki’s group arrives and tries picking a fight (against Masayuki’s wishes) but Rimiru tells them to enter the fighting tournament to settle things.


Hey, we’re back from the recap and also back to another week, another episode that is basically just build up for a payoff that is increasingly likely to not be worth all of this hype. Heck, it’s hard to really tell if it’s meant to BE hype with how low tension it all is, so maybe that’s not the best worth of it. I hate to sound like a broken record here, but the core issue is that all of this simply lacks tension. Like I do kinda want to see how this festival all plays out since we’ve focused on it for so long but it doesn’t really feel like anything’s at stake if it doesn’t go well. There’s been foreshadowing of a bunch of ostensibly important figures we know or don’t know arriving but not much about those gives me much reason to get excited. The one that feels most prescient is Masayuki, but that’s kinda just because it’s the most recent thing and he has a loose connection to Yuuki, who has been confirmed to be pulling some strings somewhere. And even then it’s kind of more meant to be funny than exciting because it’s based on a misunderstanding and not because either of them really wants to fight each other like what happened in the buildup to fighting Hinata.

There’s also some followup to plot points that we just left on the backburner, like Youm becoming the king of Falmuth, which is something they put into motion at the start of the season and seems to have just been happening in the background this whole time, with some small checkins here and there. We also check in with Class S, AKA the class that Shizu taught and Hinata has looked after. So now THEY’RE all going to be at this festival too, meaning if something bad happens they’re all in danger as well, which I assume was the point in involving them all. And that’s great and all, but frankly, all I’m really all that interested in seeing more of is the stuff with the fighting tournament, and THAT’S not gonna start for another couple of weeks. Yeah, not until THREE EPISODES BEFORE THE END are we actually going to get into that whole tournament, so it’s probably going to be a short one. Regardless, that’s another episode in the books, we now move onto the fourth quarter and pray that something of substance actually happens.