
English Dub Review: Suicide Squad Isekai Episode 9

By David Kaldor

August 16, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)The queen is revealed to have been replaced by a being called The Undead King, but Fione manages to escape and the Suicide Squad reunites to face the king’s forces.OUR TAKEWe have reached the penultimate episode of Suicide Squad Isekai, so naturally we’re getting the fuse being lit and a big explosive battle kicking off, being the culmination of everything we’ve seen in the series up until this point! And in some aspects, it accomplishes this, but in others, it kind of reaffirms that this show may not have used its time all that well. For one, who the hell is this Undead King and why is he (she? For a king it looks pretty much like a little girl) the final boss to deal with at the end of all this? They’ve been impersonating the queen this whole time and have been therefore controlling the plot to some extent, but somehow this still feels out of left field. Apparently they’re also controlling Enchantress, who also apparently has someone who the king is holding hostage, but there’s only one episode left so I don’t really expect it to be some big revelation. Also, King Shark being imprisoned turned out to not be much of an issue since he escapes IMMEDIATELY and then starts fighting Killer Croc. Oh, and Katana gave the Thinker helmet to a noble who’s mind controlling soldiers. So, all of that is happening with insufficient explanation.But there’s also plenty that does feel earned and paying off from previous set up. For one, Fione seems to finally take advantage of her resemblance to Harley and puts on makeup resembling hers to give herself confidence in kicking butt! Kinda thought she would use it for a disguise somehow but whatever, I’ll take it. Also, remember that dragon baby they picked up in the fifth episode? Well, now it’s all grown up and helping them out, so that’s pretty cool! So, all that’s left is for the Squad to come together, defeat and/or kill the other opposing members and The Undead King, save the kingdom and possibly return home! And they’ve only got one more episode to wrap it all up, though I’m sure there’s plenty of time to do that and have a little falling action to close it out. I don’t see much changing about my overall feelings about this show, at least in terms of it getting better, but it could also be much worse I suppose. So, come back next week for the series finale of Suicide Squad Isekai to see how these bunch of assholes complete their quest or some such whatever.