English Dub Review: Suicide Squad Isekai Episode 7


The Squad take on The Thinker and Katana directly to tear down a gate that blocks the signals to their bombs.


Oh. I guess it didn’t take very much time at all to take out not just The Thinker BUT ALSO Katana, who has been so sparingly used that I honestly forgot she wasn’t in the last episode with Enchantress and Killer Croc. Well, she gets plenty of stuff to do here, though it’s unclear WHY she wants to do what she does. Thinker and even Ratcatcher were easy enough to pin down in terms of motivation since they seemed to just want power and thought they were above it all so they should control everything. Katana though…she’s a bit of an enigma here, at least for now. Typically in other adaptations, she’s just a regular hero, even in the 2016 movie where she’s just Rick Flag’s bodyguard. Here, I guess she’s just another bad guy who had a bomb in her head, and now she’s got the Thinker’s helmet but lost her sword (which typically has the soul of her dead husband in it but maybe the marriage wasn’t great in this version). We don’t have a lot of time left so we’ll likely learn what she needs that helmet for soon enough, but uh…I’m not super curious so let’s get a move on.

The other thing that I think is worth bringing up is how Thinker gets in Harley’s head, or rather reads her thoughts, and is subsequently beaten back by Harley’s mental representation of The Joker. I haven’t see a ton of comments about this show overall, but I have to imagine that how Joker is portrayed here in relation to Harley is probably getting some mixed reception. So far, he’s just sort of been Harley’s partner in literal crime, but also a mentor in dealing with certain situations, as we see his advice helping her win a battle a few episodes ago, and now his influence even helps her win a mental fight too. Usually the Harley Joker romance has been depicted as something abusive and dysfunctional that Harley must break out of to find herself, going back to Harley’s first appearances in Batman: The Animated Series, the ongoing Harley Quinn show, and even the Suicide Squad film they were in together. I suppose there was bound to be at least one adaptation that tried to make them actually good for each other, but…still feels wrong and weird. Anyway, just three episodes left, let’s see what else they have planned.