English Dub Review: No Longer Allowed in Another World “Shall I Tell You How It Feels to Sleep in a Coffin?”


Sensei, Annette, and Tama arrive at a castle and find themselves embroiled in a princess’s decision on who she will marry.


We’re into the thick of the story now, or at least getting a better sense of what a more typical plot in this series is going to look like. As was my worry, Annette and Tama are, at least currently, filling the expected roles of the bickering separate ends of a love triangle with Sensei in the middle. Well, to be more accurate, Annette is definitely part of some love…shape, but it’s not clear what Tama is feeling other than just being loyal to the guy who saved her life. As for Sensei himself, he’s kinda just begrudgingly going along with it until it gets too much, which is what leads him to get out of bed and talk with the princess, who feels lost in her options for marriage before talking to him. To everyone’s surprise the next morning, she instead chooses Sensei to marry, which then makes one of her suitors mad enough to try and kill them (but also because he was a secret spy). Sensei, who seems like he wants to test the princess’s resolve, tells her to commit to a suicide pact with him, much like he did with his girlfriend in the human world.

But before we go writing this guy off for potential child endangerment, it seems like this was mainly just him helping her to realize that maybe she doesn’t want to marry anyone right now. It’s possible that seeing Sensei as someone who was a person disconnected from all of the royal bullcrap made him seem appealing to her as a possible third option, but aside from the fact that he’s very much committed to finding his old girlfriend anyway, he shows that he’s wise enough to give her a chance to make a choice for herself and figure out more of what she actually wants. And this leads to a pretty wholesome ending of her and her father, the king, committing to communicating more as parent and child, which seems like it’ll be pretty important if she’s going to inherit his job. So, a solid enough story that further elaborates on why Sensei is a smart, and more importantly wise, character who will probably have a meaningful impact on things happening in this world as this story progresses. I guess I do hope future episodes are a bit more interesting than this for characters and worldbuilding, but we’ll see.