Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: No Longer Allowed in Another World “I Am Someone Who Wishes to Die, Not a Corpse That’s Already Dead”

By David Kaldor

August 28, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)The world begins to shift towards a new conflict, while Sensei’s group picks up a new party member.OUR TAKEThis episode’s main plot is pretty much for the purposes of introducing Nir, the little boy seen in the OP, to the main character party, who may be the last main character to join. He’s a con artist who the people in his village tolerate because he’s just a little kid, but he clearly does have some innocence and good heart left in him since he does end up joining the group after Sensei saves him. That’s probably the least interesting part of the episode though, mainly because so much more is happening behind the scenes. Heck, even the reveal about Sensei’s abilities, that his starting hit point of 1 gains ridiculous amounts of help when he gets excited that he may die (which ironically means he probably won’t), is far more interesting a thing than just the fact that the group got a brat attached now. I expect the party will likely remain less interesting than the events happening around them, but I guess liking the world more than the characters doesn’t have to be bad. I mean I’ve definitely seen it get pretty bad before but that’s when the interesting world turned out to be pretty bad too.The REAL big thing going on is revealed early on in the episode through Ysha and her cardinal peers. In addition to the pope having ceased calling otherworlders, the seven otherworlders that killed the Dark King have apparently begun a rebellion against the world. If they’re strong enough to defeat someone as strong as the Dark King sounds, they’re likely no joke as enemies themselves. If Suzuki was a problem, they’re probably even worse, especially in strength, and it’s possible they may recruit more otherworlders to their cause and try to fully conquer this world. But wait, guess who just was revealed to have the ability to send otherworlders back to where they came from? That’s right, one certain unnamed suicidal weirdo with incredibly useful powers! So now we see how Sensei himself will be useful in combating this growing threat, but there’s also the Dark King’s daughter that we met before who will also likely have some part to play in dealing with all of this. So yeah, sorry Nir, I’m sure you’re gonna add a lot overall as a member of the party, but your addition is probably the least consequential part of the episode. Next time, the halfway point of the season!