English Dub Review: My Hero Academia “Those Who Defend, Those Who Violate”



Bakugo surprised Shigaraki/All For One with Cluster but was then cruelly pierced through. The heroes in all the different locations are getting pushed back… But even so, they will not give up!

Our Take:

No matter what happens when it comes to the end of this series you can’t deny that it has been one of the more hype series in the last few years. Some of these characters go way harder than they need to like Mirko. This girl just lost her other arm and barely slows down for Best Jeanist to tie her arm to stop the bleeding. I guess when you mostly attack with your legs, losing an arm isn’t going to hurt you too much, I mean from an attacking perspective, I’m sure it hurts like hell. Which reminds me do you ever think about how these characters react to certain injuries is wild? I stub my toe and I’m down for the day, if I lost my arm I’d probably be down for the rest of my life.

Another thing I have a hard time wrapping my head around is can you imagine deciding to be someone’s heart for the rest of their life? Bakugo’s heart was pierced in the last episode and Edgeshot has decided to become the thread that keeps his heart pumping. Now that might be one of the most badass characters I’ve ever seen in anime.