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English Dub Review: Mission: Yozakura Family “The Yozakura Family Maid; Affair”

By David Kaldor

August 20, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)Taiyo and the Yozakuras cool down after the defeat of Kurogao, but Taiyo remains curious about what may have happened to his family. Later, Taiyo starts sneaking around and is revealed to be looking for Kyoichiro’s favorite tea.OUR TAKEI guess we’re in a bit of a cool down after how the battle against Kuroyuri AKA Kurogao majorly escalated. I mean, it did get a bit more serious than this more comedic story is used to, but I wouldn’t exactly say it got so stressful that we need to take a huge break or anything. But alright, this is good too, especially since it gives Taiyo and Mutsumi some time to actually build on their burgeoning romance. Obviously it was telegraphed from the beginning that they were going to end up together, even if they weren’t already technically married, but between a lot of Taiyo’s training and meeting new characters, we haven’t exactly had a ton of time for these two to just…bond. Get cozy. Gather the kindling. They have a sufficient couple dynamic, since they’re both just really nice people who care about and support each other no matter what, and I can only see that growing stronger over time. Though that said, it would actually be pretty neat if they tested it by having one needing to keep secrets and see if they could maintain trust since they’re jobs involve so much secrecy and covertness. Maybe that’s something they could do for a future arc, even if it feels way too early to do that right now.The other big thing to talk about, besides bringing back Ayaka who I honestly have zero feelings about either way, is that now there is a thingy, the glass marble optical drive, that will probably reveal or at least point towards more clues about Taiyo’s family and why they were killed. But it has the preface of being old and damaged, meaning that it can just be decoded slowly in the background until the plot needs it, which probably won’t be for a long time. MAYBE we’ll get some update on it by the end of this season of the anime, but I think it’s a bit of a longshot to expect much more progression on that until AT LEAST the next season, assuming that’s in the cards. I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be since the manga continues to be very popular, but you never know with studios sometimes. Anyway, yeah, it’s pretty much just those two things. Taiyo and Mutsumi are growing closer as a couple, and Taiyo may find out some secrets about his family and how they died…EVENTUALLY. I guess that’s just what we have to look forward to for now.