English Dub Review: Mission: Yozakura Family “The Kuroyuri Party”


Taiyo begrudgingly works with Sui to take down corrupt PM candidate Yoshimasu Kuroyuri.


Huh, I didn’t think we would get back to Sui so soon, but I guess it makes sense that a mission dealing with a government official would involve government spies. We also get to meet Rin Fudo, an ally of the Yozakura’s and former classmate of Kyoichiro, so we’re learning more about the allies and connections the family has outside of just their immediate group. And naturally they’re going to be somewhat friendly with the government…or I guess it would be more accurate to say they’re civil, since they’re also working to stop someone within the government too. But yeah, I could tell that Sui and the other guy weren’t likely going to be recurring antagonists necessarily. They’re Lawful Neutral to the Yozakura’s Neutral Good, so while they’re not always going to be on the same side of things, they know that the other one is unlikely to cause trouble for them out of nowhere. In a world as morally messy as spy stuff and assassinations, it actually goes a long way to show what groups the main characters ARE willing to ally themselves with before we get to a fully bad one, which I imagine we probably won’t be seeing for at least another handful of episodes.

As for the stuff dealing with Kuroyuri, it kinda feels like a level up from Taiyo’s encounter with that mad bomber from the third (I think?) episode. Whereas that was just about keeping up with the movements of one guy who had no public impact, this involves tracking someone involved in public life and has a public persona, which then means going undercover. But also, he’s someone who isn’t open about his planning, and so this involves applying knowledge of things like morse code to hear his tap dancing with his underlings (who are also spies who flee at the end, so they’re still out there) to figure out his plan. Essentially, this situation is part of Taiyo’s training as he continues to hone his assassin abilities and getting to know the world he is now a part of. And while plenty still do not think much of him, he’s clearly showing progress and how his dedication to Mutsumi is helping get him through the hardest parts. So yeah, this isn’t the most entertaining part of the story, it’s basically all vegetables, but we’re probably on track to hit some meat and potatoes soon enough.