English Dub Review: Helck “The Mysterious Woman”


As Azudra’s forces continue fighting off the Awakened humans, Asta infiltrates the Human Kingdom and finds a strange girl named Shalamy who has somehow not been transformed.


Good lord, I can not tell you how much of a breath of fresh air it is to have an episode that does not have Helck or Vermilio in it AT ALL (aside from previous episode recaps and next episode previews of course). I probably kicked this dead horse into hell last time, but the part of this story that I actually care about is the battle going on between the demons and the humans, which we’re finally getting back to for the remainder of the season and possibly the series (I honestly don’t see this show getting another season). So, it’s GREAT to see not only some more fighting against the recurring humans (among whom plenty we now know are Helck’s former allies), but also recon missions to find out more about what the heck is going on over there. I mean, WE as the audience know more about what’s happening, but there’s definitely still some major secrets that have been left to uncover. For one, there’s whatever the hell Cless is doing still wrapped up in all these weird gooey masses, AND the human soldier whose face is covered and is DEFINITELY NOT Alicia, no way, no how. I’m being sarcastic, but I also have plausible deniability if it turns out to NOT actually be Alicia.

But a new piece of the puzzle is introduced with the debut of Shalamy, someone we didn’t even see in Helck’s flashbacks. Except oh wait, I actually just forgot, she first showed up in the thirteenth and is Helck and Cless’s childhood friend when they met her father, who is the guy who ended up working with the Human King to make the Awakened humans in the first place. Have I just been doing a bad job at paying attention to this show or has it just been bad at MAKING me pay attention by being so mediocre and having scattershot story focus? Both outcomes are equally possible, but also I’m almost certain no one reads these reviews so I can also never be held accountable for that! Anyway, it looks like Shalamy seems to be protected from the fights and the Awakening, likely by her father who knew to keep her from being transformed, but that may end up being what does him in when she helps Asta find out the key to defeating the Human Kingdom! Or maybe something else will happen, I dunno.