English Dub Review: Go! Go! Loser Ranger! “On the Road to My Justice!”



The cadets, Junior First Ranks, and Blue Keeper team up against Peltrola and their clones.

Our Take:

I understand that Peltrola can clone themself but it’s not very clear how many clones are out there. Five or six fights are going on, and it’s hard to tell what is happening. Fighter D isn’t helping because his loyalties are so up and down that I’m starting to get whiplash from all of his betrayals. He hates the Rangers but seemingly likes the people he’s working with which makes sense because he’s been working with them for a little while but he also hates the boss monsters. He blames them for leaving all the fighters behind to fend for themselves and essentially becoming slaves to the Dragon Keepers.

There was a flashback in this episode that wasn’t handled particularly well. I’m all for a show assuming its audience is smart enough to figure things out but when you insert a flashback randomly with no warning and it’s about a character we haven’t seen in the episode yet it’s going to be a little jarring. Having said that it was cool to see Blue Keeper’s path to joining the Rangers but it didn’t explain why he’s such a dick. There’s only one episode left and there is a second season already confirmed so I hope this ends satisfyingly.