English Dub Review: Go! Go! Loser Ranger! “It’s Showtime for Blue Keeper!”



Peltrola retreats after an all-out fight with Blue Keeper but is halted by the Junior First Ranks.

Our Take:

I want to see a keeper die at this point. Things won’t feel real or that change is possible until we see one of them get killed off. It seems we might be a ways off from that happening though because Peltrola appears to be in full-on retreat mode. I don’t understand because he seems to be powerful and could handle a keeper. Suzukiri has an artifact that allows her to mute and pause real life, among other things I’m sure. She muted her conversation with others so she could have a private discussion with Peltrola, I hope we get to see what happened in that conversation soon.

Fighter D has become an even more interesting character because it seems like he’s in goblin mode. He doesn’t want to help the boss monsters almost as much as he wants to kill the rangers. But whether he wants to admit it or not it’s become apparent that he thinks of some of the rangers as his friends. He even joined up with the other rangers taking the exam to face down Peltrola.