
English Dub Review: Delico’s Nursery “Welcome to the Nursery” ;“Creeping Intrigue and Child-Rearing”

By Ben Schmidt

August 28, 2024



Dali Delico is an aristocratic vampire who’s been neglecting his work duties. When some of his associates visit him one day to confront him about it, however, they find him taking care of a small child.

In exchange for agreeing to accept the case, Dali demands that the investigators establish their base of operations in his nursery, forcing them to help with both the mission and child-rearing.

Our Take:

It was hard to take this show seriously when it started by shortening True of Vamp to Trump. I did not hear an anime character say, “Trump is a fairytale,” on my bingo card, but if you did, congrats. I suppose the only other option would have been “Tramp” and that isn’t much better but for us American audience members it’s hard to take a lot of the dialogue seriously.

One other thing that makes it hard to take seriously is the fact that Delico’s wife was killed by his coworker Gerhard, but they seem to still be friends. I don’t know about you but if my friend/coworker killed my wife I don’t think I would want to hang out or work with them ever again. I’m sure that eventually we will learn the full story of what happened but as of now, it seems that she was under the influence of some other vampire.

Now for what I do like, I like the fact that Delico is taking his wife’s dying words to heart. She wanted him to make sure he gave their children lots of love. He refuses to work on a murder case because he needs to take care of his children and honestly, I respect that. It’s even more commendable when his three friends from work are all unanimous in their thinking “Why are you taking care of the kids? That’s a nanny’s job”. I think the best part of this show is going to be seeing Delico turn his friends into better dads.