English Dub Review: Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction Episode 10


As public exterminations of Invaders continue to rise, Kadode and Ouran take in the Invader that took over Keita Oba’s body and learn more about his kind.


Considering his character has been hanging around in the background for a large portion of the show, it’s kinda weird how sudden it feels to have Oba as a main (or at least much more prominent) member of the cast, but here he is. It makes sense to give him more focus now, since we’ve been sorely lacking much in the way of the perspective of the Invaders and now we’re seeing them literally gunned down in the streets. It’s one thing to have human characters who are sympathetic to what’s going on, but having a character who is actually one of the people in danger adds basically a whole new dimension. With that said, I don’t feel like we’re getting all that much new information. From what we’ve been able to tell from the Invaders we’ve seen, they’re practically as harmless as they could be and are designed practically like a toy. And I can only feel horror as their turquoise blood spurts out onto the pavement during the hunting scenes. It seems the only reason Oba has avoided capture was by inhabiting the body of the real Oba back on 8/31, which we’ve also seen happen to Kadode’s father in Episode 0, though once people are made aware of this tactic, I can only see things getting bloodier.

The other thing is Oba uses one of his devices to read Ouran’s mind, finding the memories of her childhood with Kadode that we got a look at a few weeks ago. Yet there is still no acknowledgement of those events by either of them, otherwise they would’ve recognized some of the tools Oba has with him, including the head propeller that he uses to find them. Basically, there’s something weird, even weirder than first contact with aliens, that is going on in Ouran and Kadode’s heads somehow blocking off those memories. OR, as Oba puts it, there are two versions of them, which kind of implies an alternate universe angle, but that may just be too much metaphysical sci-fi for this story to juggle. Whatever the case, even if there hasn’t been any major movement from the mothership or an all out assault from the Invaders themselves, tensions are getting higher, the body count is rising, and something is going to give. But I’ve said that a few times now and nothing’s happened, so…maybe everything’s fine, don’t take my word for it.