Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction 11

By David Kaldor

August 10, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)Futaba realizes her Invaders advocacy group, SHIP, may be starting to take things a bit far.OUR TAKEYeah, things are still getting pretty dark just like they were last episode. Not only is the racism against the Invaders continuing to get worse, even among regular civilians, the military has upgraded their weaponry in hunting them down, making use of the Futaba 9 which look like little AT ST walkers and can somehow very easily find straggling Invaders in the streets and mow them down. It’s pretty gruesome stuff, not gonna lie, and even the soldiers we see committing these horrible acts are feeling the cost of them. Though I’m sure we’ll see plenty who revel in the killing soon enough, but for now I guess it’s mainly about showing how there is still some level of humanity among even the people doing the worst things imaginable, both on the sides against and for the Invaders’ future. This episode in particular puts the focus on Futaba and her group’s growing efforts to try and draw sympathies for the Invaders and what they’re suffering through, but also showing that the increasing tensions may lead to escalations in tactics. There’s definitely some apathy from other citizens as things get more hectic and inconvenient for regular people trying to live their lives, but that’s just one of the inevitabilities of something like this.I can’t see things getting much better for anyone involved as we finish off the second third of the series next week. We’re not looking at the main characters this week, but like other times that’s happened, it’s been about further painting the picture of how things are just deteriorating even more. While Futaba spends a fair portion of this episode worried her group may have sent her a bomb, those fears are thankfully put to rest. However, by the end, it seems she is tasked with some horrible new job with an undetectable gun. Such is the sort of thing that happens as a newly discovered species is facing genocide. And yeah, that word is thrown around quite a lot, especially now in light of current events, but what this show is portraying is a textbook case, as vast swathes of executions take place over multiple streets. Sadly, the fact that the Invaders look so close to humans is not for no reason, it’s to make us feel like something like this could actually happen closer than we think. Food for thought as we get closer and closer to the show’s end.