

English Dub Review: Chained Soldier “Whirlwind, Himari, Roar”

By Marcus Gibson

August 19, 2024

Overview (Spoilers Below): The Demon Defense Force decides to take measures against the humanoid Shuuki.  Meanwhile, Himari can adopt someone else’s ability, which she does to turn Yuuki “loyal” to her.

Our Take: The 7th Squadron has received an unlikely visit by some of the members of the 6th Squadron, Tenka Izumo and Yachiho Azuma.  They’ve arrived to talk to Kyoka about her new recruit, but as it turns out, that’s the least of our concerns.  Like the first two episodes, “Whirlwind, Himari, Roar” continues the tradition of Yuuki becoming a member’s slave for a specific purpose and learning more about their abilities.  This time, it’s Himari’s turn to enslave the poor unfortunate soul, but unlike Shushu, her purpose is more personal than perverted. Himari plans to use Yuuki as a way to train for the Mato exhibition match, a competition between the 7th and 6th Squadron.  The reason is that Himari is eager to fight and defeat her sister, Yachiho Azuma, who constantly belittles her for not meeting their family’s expectations.  Unfortunately, besides Yachiho’s bitchy attitude, Himari’s older sister proves to be more formidable than they realized, as she can stop or rewind time at will.  However, the only disadvantage is that her stamina drains the more she uses it, giving Himari and Yuuki the opportunity to use it to their advantage. In addition to Himari’s sibling rivalry with Yachiho, the episode also explored Himari’s ability to copy people’s talents and powers.  However, the downside to this ability is that her copied powers are degraded upon use.  Himari uses Kyoka’s ability to enslave Yuuki, allowing the latter to gain a new Shuuki form, but unsurprisingly, it comes with the cost of Himari giving Yuuki her “rewards”.  I will admit that Himari’s unawareness of Kyoka’s sexual rewards was pretty hilarious.  But, I also appreciate the series for not making specific characters feel too overpowered due to their restrictions and downsides, making specific sequences more enticing than unrewarding.  The battle between the Azuma sisters should be no exception regarding the disadvantages of their powers.