
English Dub Review: Bye Bye, Earth “Concerto in a Land Where Death Blooms”

By Ben Schmidt

August 31, 2024



Cornered by Tiziano’s army of corpses, soloists from both sides join forces for survival. But how long can their ragtag band last against an enemy that already decimated an army?

Our Take:

In this world, the rabbits seem to be some of the most powerful. Kitty seems like a walking nuke with some of the spells he’s able to pull off. What’s interesting is he started as a normal rabbit, well… as normal a rabbit as you can be while eating precious gems. He didn’t singlehandedly win the battle but it was pretty close. I also think it’s interesting how this series handles mermaids, I mentioned a little bit last week. Bennett is this group’s mermaid and her race takes on the properties of the person they are close to. Now I’m not sure what it means when Bennett changed from female to male after Belle rescued her. Did she do that because she thinks Belle would be more likely to have feelings for a male? Not sure but I hope we delve into this a little more because it wasn’t covered other than a throwaway line in this episode.

Keeping with the mermaid theme, I can’t recall if I mentioned this last week but Tiziano is also a mermaid. She seems to be undead at this point and what we come to learn is that she and Adonis must have had a past together. Not only that but the weapons everyone wields are wildly important. Everyone admonishes Adonis because he can’t keep a weapon and anyone he uses wilts to dust if he touches it with his bare hands. As more layers get peeled back on this world I’m getting more interested but I’ll be honest I still don’t understand a lot of it.