Courtesy: Cartoon Network

Adult Swim

Review: My Adventures with Superman “My Adventures with Supergirl”

By David Kaldor

July 22, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)Brainiac tries a last ditch assault on the Earth, but Superman, Kara, and the rest of humanity manage to fight back.OUR TAKEWith that, another season of My Adventures with Superman is in the books, and despite my lukewarmness to this season as it’s gone on, I’d say they managed to finish on a pretty strong note. Or at least a strong enough, I guess. For better or worse, the promotion for this season has been a little spoilery, among them Kara’s eventual Supergirl outfit, which kinda just appears at the climax to…confirm her completing her character arc? But the reason I bring it up is that a poster did hint at her and Clark fighting again by the end of the season, which I wasn’t very much looking forward to for the main reason that I figured it would likely be done artificially through something like mind control, thus reducing the tension. However, I then remembered this part of the story was about Kara overcoming Brainiac’s influence not only through this sort of control, but the way he’s controlled her emotionally. So, while her eventual breaking through that with the obligatory group hug was a bit schmaltzy, that’s kind of Superman in a nutshell anyway, so I’ll allow it as long as the thematic logic checks out. That makes me wish the gaining of the costume felt like an extension of that, or that Brainiac’s motivations and backstory as a spiteful war machine AI had been properly fleshed out before killing him off, but maybe he’ll be back in some form.All throughout this season, I’ve worried if I just wasn’t in the right headspace to overlook the parts that felt logically unsound in favor of just going along with the feels. And it’s possible that’s the case, but there’s plenty of optimistic and corny stuff that I’ve watched recently that I have no problem getting pumped up by because they writing holds up the emotions. Maybe I’ll get a better sense of the other issues that were there once I go back and watch the whole season, but I do wish I liked this season more than I did. I’ve really come to appreciate Superman as a character over the years and I’m glad there’s a cartoon that’s still going that shows off the highlights of a positive Superman in animation. Along with the upcoming James Gunn directed Superman movie and the nearly completed Superman and Lois TV show, my cup runneth over with optimistic Superman non-print media to enjoy. It’s just a shame then that this seems to be at the bottom of that for the moment.