Courtesy: WBHE



By Walter

July 17, 2024

It’s a complete end of an era. Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Three just ended close to 30 years of DC Comics animated continuity that came before it making this a very bittersweet moment. I was pretty excited for this because I feel Crisis on Infinite Earths was set up to be the most ambitious story told as a comic adaptation and it honestly did not disappoint, however, there was a lot of moving parts, and some things got lost in translation.

But first, this finale to the trilogy held up to the hype that was presented. It’s not very often that a three-part movie, released over seven months holds up. I mean, The Matrix couldn’t tell a cohesive story in two parts over six months.

While I was waiting for what I thought was the inevitable other shoe dropping and showering me with disappointment, I watched a fantastic movie. Somehow, Crisis was able to complete a full three-act story while having its own self-contained three-act story and, God damn, I was impressed with all of this.

There’s a lot to take in. I’ve seen quite a few people say that this Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Three had too much going on, almost to the point of being nonsensical. To that, I say, you just told on yourself because if you’re not able to handle witnessing multiple plot threads, and a lot going on, you’re just not used to reading a comic series. You’re not used to watching movies.

The entire feature-length was very simple to follow, even with everything that was going on, nothing seemed like it was hard to follow. The plot threads were easily discernible, and plot points were easy to comprehend. Not once did I feel like I was being overwhelmed by the plot and not once did I feel like there was too much going on or too many people were on screen. Was Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Three a perfect movie? No. Was Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths a perfect trilogy? Absolutely not. But the movie itself was still very enjoyable, and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire series. If you had issues following along, do better at critical thinking.

Getting all of these universes folded into the canon and continuity of the overarching DCAU was kind of fulfilling. I was happy to see the shows I grew up with finally receiving their just due and get their flowers from companies that felt like they just didn’t care.

I’ll be the first to scream from the mountaintop that the Tomorrowverse was mid. Most of the movies were kinda trash, but the one thing they did right was weave a story throughout every single movie very inconspicuously. There were so many little points that were used in all three of Crisis that were all able to be expertly sewn together. This is next level television writing along the lines of Game of Thrones and even One Piece. All three parts of Crisis of Infinite Earths is a testament of where my hope is going forward with the DC animated features.