Adult Swim

REDDIT AMA RECAP: My Adventures With Superman Feat.Jake Wyatt, Ishmel Sahid, and Kiana Madeira

By David King

July 01, 2024

Recently during a Reddit AMA, with Jake Wyatt (Showrunner),, Ishmel Sahid (Jimmy),, and Kiana Madeira (Kara/Super-Girl) of My Adventures with Superman on Adult Swim as the three proceed to answer various questions about the production, The animation team, their inspirations and the fact that this is also their very first voice performance for one of them. While periodically switching to answer questions with Adult Swim staff. (Note: Everything I’ve collected was mostly the only questions they responded to. Everything else is unanswered questions and random comments praising the cast.) To Jake: How did you first react when you got greenlit and knew you would make a new Superman cartoon for a new generation? Were you nervous, excited, or both? This is my first ever Superman media (get with the times, amirite?) and I am in LOVE! I adore the causal and normal queer rep, too; I never really see that in comic book TV media. As a nonbinary person, I thank you! I know I’ve told you this on Twitter, but thanks again for making such an awesome show, I am so excited to see more.OH MY GOSH I am so honored that we were your intro to Superman!?!?! And I’m so glad you’ve connected with the show! In all honesty: the pilot and development process were pretty grueling (we were making the pilot nights and weekends around our full-time jobs), so when they told us we were greenlit I didn’t even smile. I just said “Wait, what’s our start date–” because I needed a BREAK. Everyone else made fun of me for being a wet blanket lol. I was all business.As we began production though, and the show became “real,” I started to feel the weight and privilege of being able to “define” Superman for Metropolis first-timers, and we did make the show with that audience always in front of mind. We wanted to make a place that lived up to the dream of Metropolis–welcoming, inclusive, just, and aspirational–and fill it with compelling characters who would rise to the challenge of defending and improving it. I’m so glad that dream is reflected in your experience, thank you so much for sharing that with us. -JWTo Ishmel: Hi! Jimmy is such an awesome character and his cheerfulness is absolutely contagious, you play him so well!! He’s by far one of my favorite characters in the show and I can’t wait to see more of him in upcoming seasons. Here is my question for you; what kind of new experiences have you had, as a voice actor and as a person, working on the show and playing such an iconic character in Superman lore? Were you nervous to step into Jimmy’s shoes?Thank you! I really appreciate this and I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the show. That really means a lot. In all honesty voicing Jimmy Olsen was my first voice over work ever! Let alone for an animation. I grew up watching cartoons and anime my entire life so this is sort of a full circle moment for me. I still can’t believe I’m apart of this amazing show. I would say a new experience that I’ve had as a voice actor is watching myself voice a cartoon. It’s a surreal, fun and exciting experience. As an actor I would say having fun. Every time I’m in the booth recording for jimmy I get a sense of freedom experimenting with all the colors and emotions of Jimmy Olsen. I wouldn’t say I was nervous to play Jimmy but more excited. I just brought myself into the character hoping it would resonate with fans and luckily it did! -Ishmel aka Jimmy Olsen.To Kiana: Hello! Even though I don’t know much about Superman, I always had a soft spot for Kara because of, well, everything she’s been through and goes through as a character and as a woman in the comic book world. You bring her to life with such flair and emotion and last episode really tugged at my heartstrings. Here’s a question to ponder on; what, in your opinion as a fellow lady, could change the comic book/comic book film and media scene for the better in terms of treatment of female characters? Example being more female writers, editors, and artists, a more welcoming comic community, etc? Sorry if this is a loaded question, I just love hearing what folks have to say on the matter.I definitely think that having more women in the writer’s rooms and on the creative side makes such a big difference in the representation of those characters on screen. Which is a huge reason why I believe the female characters in My Adventures With Superman are so dynamic and relatable. And the men who are a part of this project really respect and understand the importance of an authentic female perspective. I hope that more projects operate in this way! -KMFor Jake: Were there any Superman stories that inspired you when writing the show? And for Ishmel and Kiana, have you read any comics in preparation for your roles? And if so, what were your faves starring Jimmy and Kara?I love the Donner films, STAS and the whole Timmverse, and have a lot of nostalgia for the bemulleted 90’s Superman I grew up with. I also love every elseworlds and standalone Superman story–from Red Son and Secret Identity to All-Star and Birthright. Honestly, there are very few Superman stories I *don’t* like. He’s been so many things and they’re all Super fun. -JWHow was the process of being cast as Supergirl/Kara like? What was your reaction when you got the role?I was soooo excited when I got the role! This is my very first animation so I was a little nervous but mostly eager to get in the booth. My first audition was just a recording that I did on my phone while I was traveling (I was in Barcelona at the time), and that led to a zoom callback with Jake and the other creators/producers. About a week after the callback I got a call that I booked the role 🙂 -KMIn the episode, “The Machine Who Would Be Empire” was there a bit of Tenchi Muyo! inspiration? Kara crying alone in space definitely brought back vivid memories of Ryoko doing the same. Thanks! Love this show so much!That’s the question I’d love answered the most, though I also have another question if time abides: is the (so far) plot with Kara taking point from the 2005 comic Superman/Batman, where Kara appeared to be in a similar antagonist role (in two ways)? I’m hoping for a certain 30th century reference eventually, as well…(wink wonk)So! The main Tenchi inspiration in Season 2 episode 6 was the thought projector she and Clark wear, with the little cheek symbols! I hadn’t thought about the Ryoko parallels, but they’re DEFINITELY there. Pretty sure Kara’s storyline was originally Brendan’s idea–Supergirl as Vegeta–but we’re all so deep in the paint that every other Supergirl we’ve ever met has to be bleeding into this interpretation. -JWFor Kiana: Your version of Supergirl has been a big hit with viewers and fans. And your performance is getting a lot of praise. How does that feel? Did you think Supergirl would be this popular?I am honestly blown away by the praise and positive response. A part of me is not surprised just because I think the writers did such a good job at making her so HUMAN (although she is not haha). She has such a big heart and I’m really glad that everyone is receiving her in this way!! -KMIt seems like you guys are building up a much bigger universe. Every episode is sprinkled with references especially as the series goes on. Do you plan on consistently increasing the main cast, just having fun with Easter eggs, or plan on any spinoffs with the success of the show?We’re always laying down track for new stuff–little side bets in case we get another season, or can do another series. We would love to spin this world out into a larger universe, but probably less in an MCU “Everyone is in everything” kind of way, and more in a “This is a shared world, the shows acknowledge each other, and very occasionally you get a familiar hero/villain guest star” kind of way. I like for each series/movie to be as much Its Own Thing as it can. -JWFor Jake: we did see a reference to two other DC superheroes in the latest episode. What are your thoughts on DC heroes outside of the Superfam appearing on the show?We love all of DC’s heroes and villains–the challenge for us is expanding that universe out from Superman in a way that feels consistent with what we’ve already done. Our rule is that, in My Adventures, Clark is our entry point for the whole universe. So we’re always looking for a way to bring in other characters (or introduce other concepts) THROUGH Clark and Krypton so we can expand the world in a way that feels natural to the series. -JWQuestion for everyone: what are some iconic Superman stories you guys would like to see in the show? I’m hoping Mongul shows up to set up Warworld!I would love to do a Mongol arc, I would love to see shirtless gladiator Superman, ideally across multiple episodes, sweating it out in front of a crowd. Imagine how shiny he could get?? We’re always looking for that sweet spot between serving our relationship/character arcs and getting our superhero candy, but Mongol has been on the idea board for every season so far. -JWI would love to see what a Young Justice would look like in our show. Or even a story arch involving Lobo and/or Darkseid -Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenQuestion for Ishmel: How did you feel stepping into the shows of Jimmy Olsen and are there any Superman’s best pal stories you’d like to playIt actually felt freeing. Jimmy is such fun character to play. Although there are many iterations of Jimmy Olsen in the Superman lore I just wanted to make the character my own and unique. Something that hasn’t been seen before. -Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenWas the decision to make Krypton planet conquering warmongers motivated to differentiate from past depictions of Krypton’s destruction? Because most of the time they usually aren’t like that.So, we wanted Krypton to be complex. Many versions of Krypton are cautionary tales–a world of complacent decadents, fiddling while Rome burns, or a world of heedless know-it-alls who disregard Jor-El–but we wanted a Krypton that was, by turns, aspirational and horrifying. The militaristic empire of Brainiac *and* the technological utopia of Jor-El. A kingdom divided, that ultimately fell. Also–Krypton isn’t THE Dark Empire of our universe. They’re just AN empire.-JWI’m so happy this is a much warmer and loving take on Superman and his whole world than we normally find in DC’s movies and shows. There’s this welcome variety of race, gender, age, body types, sexuality, and more than in I think any take on the universe, plus a depth to even the side character’s motivations and story arcs. What was it like reinterpreting an existing IP and putting a very modern twist on it? Also, Amanda Waller’s daily intentions speech as she woke up was a highlight, did you have any other takes for what she’d say or stories about how you came up with that segment?HAHAHAAHA SO. Debra Wilson, who plays Amanda Waller, is a VERY INTENSE actor and often has affirmations and exercises to begin a session. Josie Campbell, our co-producer on S1 and 2, heard Debra getting ready in a record and was like “THIS BUT FOR WALLER” and we had Angela Entzminger write up an affirmation. I love it. -JWI’m loving what you’re doing with Kara, but it’s a pretty big departure, story-wise, from her usual origin. Her relationship to Krypton is specially different, with her not growing up there. How did this divergence come about, creatively speaking? Was it something you knew you wanted to do, a story you knew you wanted to tell, or was it something that emerged during development? Do you have a set plan for how many seasons you’d like the show to be, ideally? I personally could watch forever but I’m intrigued to know if there’s a number of seasons you’re aiming for?We wanted Kara to be almost an Elseworlds, What-If version of Superman, and to examine the struggle of isolation from different circumstances–she’s got so many origins, we felt comfortable being flexible. My ideal number of seasons is five, maybe six, and then a movie.-JWI have a question for everybody here (Jake, Ishmel and Kiana), considering how influenced the genre has been for this series: What’s each of your favorite anime series?OH NO. Uh. Oh no. I can’t pick but I love the shonen Toonami classics (DBZ, Naruto, Sailor Moon) and the Blockbuster Video classics (Lodoss War, Crying Freeman, Tenchi Muyo) and the Late Nite Toonami Classics (Bebop, Trigun, Evangelion, Gundam) and the Fox Kids classics (Cardcaptor Sakura, Digimon) and the streaming hits (FMA: Brotherhood, Death Note) and just. I like it all, man. Idk. I like Angel’s Egg and Berserk and Patlabor and FLCL and Gurren Lagann… Demon City Shinjuku and Vampire Hunter D… Anohana… idk. I’m sorry. This is a useless answer. I like anime. -JWThat’s a hard question. I grew up watching ALOT of anime as a kid. But my favorite series of all time is a tie between Yu Yu Hakusho and Lupin the 3rd – Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenFor Jake: what was the hardest thing about crafting an anime-influenced incarnation of Superman from the ground up?The power of Superman and the power of Anime are just a lot of power to control. Trying not to be tooooo weeby with design choices. Sometimes we were… a little too weak. -JWFor Kiana: Do you see at least a little bit of yourself in this version of Kara? I love her so much already you have NO IDEAThank you so much!!! Yes! I do see myself in this version of Kara. When her “girl with a crush” qualities come out and she’s giddy and shy! When she’s showing Clark the planets that she loved- the joy in her energy! The way she sounds is almost exactly how I sound in my own life, so when I see her on screen, I feel so much of myself 🙂 -KMFor Ishmel: Do. You. Support. Kammy? (The Shipping name for Kara and Jimmy)I think the bigger question is do YOU support Kammy? -Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenFor Jake: what was the reasoning behind making Waller a major antagonist of the series? Given that she rarely deals with Superman in the comicsWaller… is complicated. But she represents a kind of reactionary human impulse that we needed embodied in the show, and she picks up that torch after General Lane stands down. I am excited for y’all to see more of her arc! -JWMy question is for Jake: unsure if you can answer this but with Kara being introduced are there any plans to introduce any more Kryptonians in the show in particular Kyrpto? Thanks!SO! There is already a flying dog in last week’s episode (he’s brown and VERY tiny) and we are always looking for ways to include more dogs. -JWQuestions for Jake Will we Ever learn who Livewire’s original client was that got her to steal from Task Force X? I feel that is an important plot point Also will we ever get an inside look at The Fortress of Solitude?We WILL look in the Fortress. The original client in the pilot was Bruno Manheim but we had to cut that thread for time! -JWFor Kiana: What do you approach differently with voice acting compared to acting in front of a camera?There are so many nuances with on-camera acting that you no longer need to consider with voice acting. Like facial expressions, body language, and even the vanity of it all gets completely wiped away when you’re doing voice acting. All of your focus can go into the expression and intention of your voice and your imagination really gets to run wild. It makes me feel like a kid! I’m working on bringing that same free-ness to my on-camera work as well 🙂 -KMQuestion for Jake: Is it a rule for each season to be 10 episodes? Or is it a rule by executives? Do you ever have a hard time in getting the correct story in your mind and making sure that you’re focusing more on quality over quantity?That is a programming decision well above our pay grade and a streaming-era trend. We DO have to fit the story into its container–we’d probably do more dumb, one-off filler episodes if we had a traditional 26-episode season (we have BEACH EPISODE on the board every season, but can never fit it in!) and we’d probably let our story develop a little more slowly? But idk. I like the Tenchi Muyo OVA as much as I like the Tenchi Universe, you know? (probably more??) I like the Patlabor OVA’s as much as I like the various Patlabor TV series. So we try to treat it like that, and lean into the series order we have. I wouldn’t mind 13 or even 26 episodes a season, though. -JWQuestion for Kiana: How were you able to balance Kara’s voice tone of both being “Tough and Hotheaded ” with “Being a big softy on the inside”?I had a lot of help from Jake and our creative team on making sure there was balance with Kara! We really leaned into her soft moments and weren’t afraid to get genuinely emotional at times. At her core, she really has such a big heart so making sure that she wasn’t just “one note” was a priority and it was intentional to have this balance. – KMFor Jake: How tall would Superman be in this animation? Hahaha, our new S3 Art Director, Austin Reinkens, is figuring out the literal character heights this week–we’ve been going off of relative scale until now. He’s well over six feet tall, though. And thank you for enjoying the characters! -JWGoing from Season 1 to Season 2, how does your approach change? Are there things you can do in Season 2 that you couldn’t do before?The deeper into the show we go, and the more familiar Clark (and Metropolis) become with his powers, the more we can do, the more we can push SCALE. You’re gonna see scale and stakes get a lot more super in the back half of S2, and we intend to keep pushing them into S3, while making sure we stay focused on our characters. -JWTo Jake: what does it feel like to be literal Superman, also, how did y’all decide the designs of characters like Lois and others?For the main cast, we started with rough concepts that Brendan and I had drawn, and handed them off to Christie Tseng. Lois and Jimmy are pretty close–better versions of our concepts–but I would like the world to know that Christie’s design of Clark, the one that ended up in the show, is SO MUCH HOTTER than what we had sketched up. It’s pretty much a wholly original design. I literally gasped when I saw it, she’s amazing, I had never even imagined a man that hot. I believed a man could fly. -JWI love how you’re balancing classic Superman stories with topical (almost BvS-like) themes such as xenophobia or how much power Superman should have. Is it tricky to find that balance? How do you know when you’ve gone too far in either direction? Keep up the great work! I love watching the show with my family.We try to keep the CORE of the show classic, and then the themes are what feel like real challenges to our characters. A lot of feelings from the real world bleed in, but Metropolis and our heroes have to stay aspirational. -JWIs Jimmy the Krillin of the show?The strongest and best and bravest and most loyal human man on earth?? Hell yeah he is. -JWJimmy is the Jimmy of the show -Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenDid you have to fight to have the trunks be part of Superman’s costume? Or did they let you design it any way you want?We went through a TON of suit designs for Superman–we always wanted the trunks, and the pitch was always that Ma was going to make them. Brendan and I wanted an in-universe explanation for why this superpowered alien wears underpants on the outside (which I love), and I wanted the whole Kent family in on Clark’s transformation into the Man of Steel. It takes a village, etc. -JWQuestion for Jake: What’s your favorite detail(s) you’ve managed to get on the show so far?I really liked drawing Clark getting his shirt blown off… I really love Paul Reinwand’s Brainiac and Kandor designs… Slade’s mask. And the weird katana-railgun Brendan made for him lol. I can’t pick, honestly. Almost the whole show is candy for me. WAIT! WAIT. My favorite thing I’ve gotten on the show will appear at the end of 208. Pls enjoy. -JWFor Jake, I, as a Korean-American, was pleasantly surprised to see this universe Lois to be of Korean descent. Where did the idea come from?We wanted to have a cast that reflects the world we live in, and SO many of my friends and collaborators in animation are Korean-American (often Korean-American women) that we decided to take that direction on Lois. Art Director Jane Bak and Director Diana Huh (and several other artists on S1 and S2) also influenced that decision. -JWFor Ishmel and Kiana: of the episodes we’ve seen so far, are there any moments which were particularly interesting or fun for you to portray? I’ve been enjoying both of your performances a ton – great work guys!Even though Jimmy is the comic relief I love playing and discovering the serious moments in his character. I feel like it really grounds him and gives him heart that the audience can relate to and root for him. Jimmy is a sensitive guy so it’s fun to play that side of him. -Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenFor Jake – So far, we’ve had 2 Batman related characters pop up, and with the recent episode, the introduction of Lanterns and Thangarians does thus mean we can expect Season 3 to dip a bit further into the greater DC universe? Maybe Lois and Vicki sneak into a certain dinner and snap a picture of Batman, while Clark and Kara are off dealing with pissed off Thangarians off world, or working with Martian Manhunter on something? Also, is there any chance of bringing back some classic Superman actors for cameos? I’ve noticed that almost every iteration of Batman has had a previous actor cameo in some way or another. Any chance of having Geroge Newborn, Tim Daily, and Clancey Brown popping up?Would love more stunt casting, but we are on a tight budget… also no batman… i’m sorry… brendan has such a good pitch for him, too -JWFor Ishmel, I love your different take on Jimmy, still feeling like the JO of old. My question is: how do you approach a primarily comedic role like Jimmy? Are there things you do to prepare for that mindset, especially one so energetic? Honestly whenever I record I just try to have as much fun as possible. My background is in sketch comedy and improv so finding the humor in Jimmy wasn’t difficult at all. The only difficulty I would say was pitching my voice higher because I have such a deep talking voice in my real life lol. The only thing I really do to prepare Is I try to find the funny in the lines and I’ll do a variety of different voice inflections to communicate Jimmy’s energy and emotions -Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenFor Ishmel and Kiana, but did you ask previous actors that played Jimmy and Kara before for tips and pointers on how to play those respective characters?No, I didn’t! This was an opportunity to have a fresh take on Kara so I wanted to make sure that I was bringing my own perspective 🙂 -KMNope! All me baby! -Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenThis is a question for everyone who wants to answer. What was the first version of Superman you all personally experienced? And how did they shape your interpretation of this character?I remember as a kid I went to the Dollar Tree store and bought a VHS of a 1940’s Superman cartoon. This was like in 1998 -Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenQuestion for Kiana: How was it voice acting for the first time for an animated show, especially one with as much attention as My Adventures with Superman?It was such an adventure!! I was a little nervous at first but the whole team behind this show is so warm and welcoming and it has been an incredible experience. My fave part about voice acting is that I can work in my pajamas and no one would care! The fact that MAWS has such a beautiful and large fanbase makes this experience even more wonderful. I appreciate you guys so much! -KMMy question is, who’s your biggest inspiration when voicing the character? I love how each interpretation of Kara over the years has been different and unique, so I would appreciate it if you could answer. Thanks for doing this AMA!Hi!! Truthfully, I didn’t really draw on any specific inspiration when voicing Kara. I just knew that I wanted her emotions to be grounded and full. I love the “Inside Out” movies and how they use voices to portray emotions! So I think the intention behind those films helped me subconsciously 🙂 -KMTo Kiana, excellent job as Kara so far! Especially her crush on Jimmy Flamebird. What did you think about some of the anime influence with Kara, like her outfit looking like Android 18?Absolutely love the anime influence!! and thank you so much! -KMQuestion for Jake: Why did braniac steal Zod’s catchphrase? (the kneel before zod one) was it a redhearing? question for Ishmel and Kiana: Were you instructed to read any comic books before voicing the characters? did you read them because you wanted to or did you not read any? Question for Ishmel and Kiana again: So is it fun to be Jimmy Olsen and supergirl?We initially used “kneel” at the end of S1 to deliberately mislead you all… i hope it worked… and for Brainiac it’s a power thing. He’s reversing the pecking order. Your turn to kneel. -JWI have a question for Kiana. What was it like to balance and explore both Kara’s darker and lighter side? Love how you portray the character btw!Thank you!! It was very fulfilling as an actor to get to explore both of these sides. With this being my first animation job, it was a very fun challenge to vocally commit to the performance and just trust that it will be portrayed. I loved the process! -KMFor Kiana: How was it like playing a different side to supergirl that was dramatically different from all the previous versions that she didn’t have that personality as of yet and now she has to learn very quickly as sort of a cliff notes thing on Earth customs with family and somebody that might care and/or love this person I really liked that I sort of had a clean slate in my portrayal of Supergirl. From the very first audition, they encouraged me to bring my own ideas and perspective on her, and we really got to play and collaborate when bringing her to life! It was a lot of fun to show her vulnerable and more quirky side. I’m so excited for you to all to see what she does next! -KMQuestion for Kiana: Love your performance as Supergirl. My question is do you see Kara having long term PTSD from all the horrible things she was made to do similar to the Winter Soldier from Marvel?I think there’s a chance all of her trauma could affect her in the long-run, for sure! She’s going to have a lot of questions and knowing her determination and drive, she will want to unpack them all. -KMGoing into this show, were there any particular traits of the characters that you wanted to embody the most?Superman’s love, kindness, and generosity. Lois Lane’s courage and sense of justice. Jimmy Olsen’s openness and acceptance. Everyone’s hotness. -JWFor Kiana: did you develop a specific voice or cadence when voicing Kara?A lot of what you hear with Kara is my natural vocal quality! I’m so happy that my texture worked well with Kara. However yes, the cadence is intentional and specific to her 🙂 -KMAre there any funny behind-the-scenes stories any of you can share?Alice Lee, who plays Lois Lane, would *FREQUENTLY* say “Spider-Man” instead of Superman for like MOST of Season One, and we all died EVERY TIME. She has also seen approximately zero movies. Every time we tried to reference something, she had not seen it. Not even weeb cuts, just like. Indiana Jones. I love her, she is a joy to work with, and incredibly talented. -JWFor Ishmel and Kiana: I know you guys recorded your lines years ago at this point, but did the cast record together at all? Would you like to for Season 3?We did not record together. We actually all recorded separately. I met Jack Quaid who voices Clark Kent/Superman a year later after we wrapped the show lol. But we were Lowkey still in the aftermath of Covid so that’s why we all recorded separately. But I would totally be down to record as a cast! -Ishmel aka Jimmy OlsenFor Jake: How closely did the production team work with Studio Mir? And what was the greenlight process for Season 3 like?We worked pretty closely, esp during retakes. The greenlight process for S3 was: write S3 creative, wait seven months, profit. -JWWhich episode was your favorite and most challenging to film (or write)? So my favorite episodes are always other writers’ episodes. I love 205 and 206 a lot–the back half of S2 is one of my favorite arcs, really. The most challenging episode *I* wrote was 209, which I can’t say much about… but it’s a big swing with a lot of concepts that we had to get across in 22 minutes, while serving several different character arcs. Episodes with a bigger cast and scope to serve are always tricky. It was really rewarding though, and I ended up reworking a few things with the director, Jen Bennet, that I think came out a lot stronger. -JWWill Kiana/Kara be part of the regular cast of season 3?I love Kiana and she’s done an amazing job, so I really hope Kara makes it! Seems kinda rough right now though! -JWA question for Jake: Now with a Season 3 being confirmed will the next season have more than 10 episodes and maybe 12 episodes for next season?Not in this economy 🙁 -JWAnd finally, What’s been your favorite part about this project so far? And what has been your least favorite part?My favorite part is seeing it all come to life! When we’re in the booth recording, we don’t see the animation so seeing it all come together is so exciting. Least fave is that I still haven’t met the rest of the cast or creatives in person! hahah we all record from different places so I’m looking forward to an in-person experience sometime soon! -KMThe AMA has ENDED! Jake says he wishes he could have answered all your questions, thank you to all the fans who showed a ton of support for MAWS! Thank you from Jake, Ishmel, and Kiana!New episodes every Saturday at midnight on Adult Swim, next day on Max. S2 Finale on 7/20 at Midnight!