English Dub Season Review: The Duke of Death and His Maid Season Three



Although everything the young duke touches perishes, his existence is far from lonely. His spirited siblings Viola and Walter, loyal butler Rob, and the eccentric witches Cuff and Zain are regularly livening up his secluded mansion. But it is the duke’s flirty maid, Alice Lendrott, who fills him with the promise of a beautiful tomorrow and the determination to break this hellish spell cast upon him.

Our Take:

I’m sad that this anime has come to an end but I’m also grateful that it did come to an end. All too many anime never get their well-deserved ending. So it’s nice that in this day and age, we get to see a romcom come to an end with a satisfying conclusion.

If you’ve read my reviews of other romcoms you will know that I HATE that it takes forever for the main characters to make any sort of romantic progress. That is the case here as well but at least there is a story reason for why they can’t touch or anything. I mean she will die if he touches her so that’s as good a reason as it gets. But to offset that there are other couples in the show that don’t have that limitation and while it takes them a while as well eventually they get there and it’s like a nice appetizer for the rest of the show.

I think what makes this show work so well is the main couple’s voice actors. The Duke is voiced by Clifford Chapin and Alice is voiced by Kristen McGuire. In real life, these two are engaged and I think it helps with all the flirty dialogue between the two. The voice talent can help sell a show for me and I think this pair did all in their power to bring the Duke and Alice to life.

My only negative about this show has been the same since the first season. I’m not a big fan of CGI in anime and here is no different. I’ve seen worse CGI and to be fair I did get used to it but one thing I’ve noticed from CGI shows is that there are always parts that get the regular animation treatment and I end up liking that so much more. But it still didn’t hamper my enjoyment of this series.

The Duke of Death and His Maid has a special place in my heart because it was one of the first shows I covered for the site. I’m grateful for this show and this job because without it I’m not sure if I would have given this show a chance. Trust me when I say that if you like romance and comedy and heartwarming characters you need to watch this anime, I wish there was more which is never a bad thing.