English Dub Review: Wistoria: Wand and Sword “As Though Undaunted”

Overview (Spoilers Below):

Sion’s defeat of a formidable monster is the talk of the academy, but only he and a few teachers know the truth.  Edward, in particular, can’t accept it, so, as a teacher at the academy, he prepares a special lesson for a particular student.

Our Take: 

Will Serfort has shown he has survived Rigarden Magical Academy for six years due to his immaculate sword skills.  This was due to his impressing the school’s headmaster, Caldron Anouve, who imagined Will’s sword as a wand five years ago.  Unfortunately, despite Will defeating the Sentinel in the previous episode, many students think Sion defeated the monster.  Sion should at least be grateful that Will saved his ass, but after what he did to Will in this episode, Will should’ve just left him to die, but that’s just me.

However, this episode shows that Professor Edward is just as cruel and short-tempered as Sion, as he demands Will to be expelled from the academy despite Will acing his other subjects except magic.  With the headmaster’s permission, Edward is allowed to give Will a particular test, in which Will has to land a hit on him to earn five credits.  The problem is that Edward possesses the title of Dark Viper Mage, resembling his dark magic that would gravely injure Will or worse.  Fortunately, Colette and Kiki, Will’s familiar, assisted him in delivering his sword, resulting in Will passing the test.

This is another episode that identifies its similarities to Mashle, especially regarding the doubters who want the protagonist expelled.  It’s bad enough that Will had to deal with harassment from Sion, but from one of his professors, that was another level of horrible.  Besides that, the animation and Will’s perseverance still carry this episode, with Phil Parsons’ weak performance as Edward being my personal issue.