English Dub Review: TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy “Sorcerer vs. Draconid”


Outside Limia’s royal castle, a fierce battle between Shiki and Mitsurugi unfolds. Meanwhile, inside the castle, the battle between Makoto and Sofia continues. Sofia, at a loss, unleashes her secret weapon.

Our Take

Shiki finally gets his moment to shine in an intense battle outside the Limia Kingdom’s capital against Lancer. Initially struggling against Lancer’s restored power, Shiki quickly turns the tide using crucial information obtained from Luto. His attacks become more effective, shifting the battle in his favor. Meanwhile, within the castle, Makoto and Sofia’s duel reaches its peak. Overwhelmed by Makoto’s superior abilities, Sofia unleashes a secret technique that had once failed two high-ranking dragons, marking the climax of their confrontation.

Makoto and Shiki’s victories were satisfying to watch. Makoto’s ruthless defeat of Sofia showcased his immense strength, while Shiki’s battle with Lancer was a testament to his growth and power. Despite the victories, the episode raised questions about the remaining challenges, particularly the potential threat of the demon king. The final episode of the season promises to wrap up these arcs and potentially set the stage for future conflicts.

Overall, the episode delivered thrilling battles and significant character development. It highlighted Makoto’s unmatched power and Shiki’s strategic skills and cunning. While some fights felt rushed, the tension and stakes remained high throughout, making it a memorable episode. With the season finale approaching, I’m curious what kind of conclusion, and what will be left open plot-wise for future storylines.