Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: SHY “Wind Coming from the West”

By Ben Schmidt

July 22, 2024



A sudden thunderstorm and a forgotten umbrella trap Momijiyama at school, where she joins the hunt for one of the Seven Wonders of Tanpopo First Middle School. A young woman with a Kansai accent proves to be more capable than expected.

Our Take:

This was a fun episode because it felt like a slice-of-life show. I know that most people don’t like shows like that, but sometimes it’s nice to chill out. I might be using the term “chill out” disingenuously because at least part of the episode is anything but chill with all the scary things happening to Momijiyama. She meets a girl in the library who has your typical eyepatch and has some delusional thoughts. This girl tells us about the Seven Wonders of the school and in a hilarious moment she just disappeared, leading us to believe that she was one of the wonders. That is until Momijiyama runs into her the next day.

It wasn’t all levity though because Momijiyama and Koishikawa ran into a girl with a Kansai accent named Tennoji. Something was fishy when Tennoji had never heard of a karaoke or arcade, and we finally found out that she is from a shinobi village. This sounded far-fetched until a ninja fell from the sky ready to attack the group. I wonder where this could go from here.