English Dub Review: Quality Assurance in Another World “Nikola the Servant Girl”


Based on the Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masamichi Sato. The story follows a young blue-haired village girl by the name of Nikola who at first is content to live a normal life in her small, tranquil village… until the day a curious man named Haga arrives. Haga claims to be “investigating” the world, and his quest to do so will open Nikola’s eyes to all kinds of unseen wonders!

Our Take

In the remote southern region of the continent of Felnarc lies Clayborne Island, a land of five small, warring countries. In the peaceful Kingdom of Bayle, young Nikola lives a simple life in a humble village. One day, while gathering firewood, a colossal dragon appears, threatening the village. Just in time, Haga, a member of the King’s Seekers—a secret investigative unit—arrives and intervenes.

Initially, the story seemed like a typical journey where Haga would invite Nikola to explore the world, learning and researching together. However, a shocking plot twist reveals that their world is actually something unexpected and gives off Deca Dence vibes. This twist, combined with the engaging art style, particularly the emotional scene where Haga fails to save Nikola, raises questions about his past and the fate of his friends. And the “Dragons” look somewhat bizarre looking and look more frog-like than anything I’ve seen… 

Overall, the episode’s twist and the revelation that Nikola and her village and what kind of person Haga is, make for a gripping premise that somewhat gives off “Deca Dense” vibes. The mystery of Nikola’s survival and the unfolding story offers potential. While the animation quality isn’t the best, the unique narrative and character development promise a compelling season ahead.