

English Dub Review: Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture “Lavender”

By Ben Schmidt

July 26, 2024



Under Kuroto’s command, the Stars, Rozé and Ash, are forced to make a decision to stop Damocles.

Our Take:

I haven’t reviewed too many anime on Hulu, in fact, before this the only other one I’ve done was Bleach. I don’t recall this being an issue with that show but for whatever reason there is a part in every episode of this so far that it just cuts out like they’re going to commercial break and the screen fades to black but then immediately comes back. I’m also reviewing Go! Go! Loser Ranger! on Hulu and I don’t recall that happening with that show. It’s not a huge deal because the show comes right back but the dialogue before the fade to black gets real quiet and in some cases cuts out completely.

As for the story of this episode, I have a few nitpicks but it was another good one. My nitpick is that it felt like one moment everyone was worried about the Damocles coming down on the town and then all of a sudden it was a non-issue. I thought I zoned out and missed a huge chunk of the episode but no it just wasn’t addressed.

We did find out that Ash didn’t kill Sakuya’s father according to a former associate of Ash’s. This could lead to some interesting plot developments down the line. I can’t wait to see what happens when/if Ash finds out about Sakuya.