
Review: The Loud House “InTODDnito”

By David Kaldor

June 20, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)Lisa tries to balance her work and friend life by having her robot assistant Todd go in her place to a friends birthday party.OUR TAKESecond to last episode of this three week batch and just like I was hoping, we get another Loud sibling to check off the list! This time it’s Lisa Loud, the brainiac little sister of the family, who mainly sticks out for me because she’s voiced by Lara Jill Miller, who I remember quite well from her time as Tai’s sister Kari on Digimon, but more recently know her for being Libby in The Ghost and Molly McGee. Basically, it’s just nice to see someone who was voicing stuff from my childhood still doing stuff after all these years, even if they didn’t blow up super big like Steve Blum or Tara Strong, and unlike the latter, also hasn’t found themselves in any problematic hot water! Always nice when people aren’t weirdos about certain topics, and even if they are, they know to keep their damn mouths shut. Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah, Lisa Loud has actually popped up in a few of these recent episodes we’ve covered as the inventor, and I’m sure she’ll end up being the Q equivalent when we do that Spy Movie in a couple days, but this is the first time in this grouping that we’ve seen an episode just about her and her inventions.In this case, it’s outsourcing her friend time to her robot assistant so she can do more science related stuff, but then finding out that being at this party means more to her friend and also her, thus leading to her going to the party herself. She is very lucky that her friend cannot recognize her properly for some reason, even up close. But the overall intended lesson, I think, is a pretty good one. Even as a child prodigy, which I know all of the Bubbleblabber readers are, you should take time to spend important moments with friends, family, and loved ones. I’m in my thirties now and there are so many people I used to be at least somewhat close with that I just don’t know how to get in touch with anymore, and so I feel bad that we didn’t spend more time together when we had the chance. I mean, there’s only so much time in our lives, and you can only spend so much of it on so many people, but make sure you try to do so in a way where you can make the most good memories. One more episode to go for this batch, WEATHER we like it or not.